10 Best Tips to Improve Your Website Design


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Once you launch your website ask yourself if your website design can portray your vision clearly to the visitors. The design of your website is what will catch the eye of the audience. 

They will give you no more than five minutes to define your vision via your website. If you aren’t getting enough traffic and people don’t want to spend more than 60 seconds on your website, it might be time to assess your website design and improve it. 

Your website is the axis around which your business spins. If it can’t reflect your vision clearly, it has no purpose. In this article, we will provide you with 10 tips to improve your website design, so that it can fulfill its purpose and help you achieve greater heights.

10 Tips to Improve Your Website Design

Let’s take a look at ten ways through which you can revamp your website. A website revamp can be anything from a complete redesign, where you scrape your previous website to create a new, improved version, or a simple refresh, where you change certain elements but keep the functionalities and overall structure intact. 

1.     Assess Your Current Website Design

Top 10 Website Design Trends

The first step you need to take when improving your website design is assessing the previous one. Try to note down the areas where it lacks and the areas where it excels. Before scraping your website ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is my website design outdated?
  • Are some of its functionalities faulty and not working properly?
  • Is my website missing something?
  • Does my current website fail to meet customer needs?
  • Is my traffic increasing, decreasing, or stagnating?
  • What response and feedback am I getting about my website? 

Take into consideration the above questions, highlight the areas that you want to improve, and take a clear picture in your mind of the changes you want to see in your new website. 

2.    See What Needs Improvement

Website speed

The next step to improving your website design is determining which areas of your website need improvement. First of all, make a thorough list of the elements and areas that need an upgrade. Once it’s done evaluate the effort and time it would take to make those changes and also determine the impact these changes will have on the feel and look of the website.

While making the changes prioritize low-effort, high-impact tasks and gradually move towards the high-effort, low-impact tasks. 

3.     Set Your Goals

Before starting the revamp process ask yourself why you are changing the website design and what you intend to achieve with it. Consider the questions given below to define your goals:

  • Is my goal to improve the user experience?
  • Is my goal to stay on top of the latest design trends?
  • Do I wish to boost conversation?
  • Is my priority to make my website stand out?
  • Does my priority lie in only fixing the features that aren’t working properly?
  • Is a complete redesign necessary or should I simply refresh specific pages and elements?

4.     Reassess Branding

Another aspect that can have a major influence on your website is branding. Your website will give off a dull and old vibe if your branding is outdated. Therefore, it is of pivotal importance that you keep your branding modern and fresh as your website is the most crucial marketing asset. By simply changing the color scheme or tweaking typography, you can improve user experience and enhance visitor traffic. 

5.     Buyer’s Persona

Another pivotal element to keep in mind is the buyer’s persona. Throughout the website designing process, you need to keep your customers in mind as they can make or break your business.  Even if you already chose your buyer’s persona when launching the website, there is a high chance that their expectations and needs have evolved since then. Moreover, the buyer’s demographics might have also shifted. By taking into account the customer’s browsing habits you can determine the website design that best suits the needs and preferences of your customers. 

6.     Define your Theme and Pick a Platform

Now that you have decided to improve the design of your website you must make the ultimate decision, whether to stick with your existing platform or try another one that will help you achieve a more modern look. However, this should be kept in mind that you won’t be able to recreate your previous design on a new platform, as every platform houses its own distinct themes and templates. If you are thinking about switching platforms, Squarespace, GoDaddy, and Web.com should be your top picks as they house some of the best templates available in the web-building market. 

7.     Content Structure

Your content structure has a considerable impact on your website, even though it might not be apparent to your audience. Stick to a flat hierarchy if you want to build a website that is modern, and sleek and boosts the website’s visibility and easy navigation. However, if you have hundreds of products on your website, flat hierarchy might not be the ideal choice. 

8.     The Principles of Modern Design

When designing your website, it is vital important that you keep the following principles of modern design in your mind:

  • Page navigation should be kept simple and intuitive.
  • Select photos that fit the overall look of your website.
  • Select minimalistic themes to give your website a sleek look.
  • Make sure to use negative space generously.
  • Fonts should be easy to read.
  • Walls of text should be avoided.
  • Web design should be consistent.
  • Grid design should be considered.

9.     Take You Website for a Spin

Now the time has come for you to test your new and improved website. Rigorous testing is crucial after you’ve made changes to your website design, in order to check if your website can achieve the goals you have set. To check the performance of your new website, make sure to test it on:

  • Different browsers.
  • Different screen sizes.
  • Numerous types of devices.

Nothing is worse than a brand-new website, you’ve spent hours designing, not working as it should. 

10.  Announce to the World

Don’t let your hard work go unnoticed, let the world know, shout it from the rooftops and attract more audience. Double down on your promotional efforts and let your followers know that your website has a new, sleek, and modern look. Create images using the same design and post them on social media to allure customers. Another way to attract an audience to your website is by offering them discounts on products if they leave you feedback.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to improve the design of my website?

If your website fails to promote your vision, gives off a dull vibe, and isn’t attracting customers then the best course of action is to improve your website’s design.

How can I improve the design of my website?

When improving the design of your website, the first step is assessing your current design. It is of vital importance that you know what parts of your website need improvement.

Which website builder has the sleekest templates?

Squarespace is renowned for harboring sleek and modern templates that are mobile responsive, easy to use, and customizable. 
